Vision and mission
The center of the Premese Schools & Colleges experience is relationships, and we look forward to welcoming you and your family to experience first hand the power of Premese Schools and Colleges education.
Besides the Headship and Management Committees (MANCOM) in the school, Premese Schools and Colleges are run by Board of Directors assisted by a team of Management Board as shown below. Among the Board of Directors are Prof. Francis Wambua Mulwa (PhD) – Baba Premese – and Dr. Ruth Wambua – Mama Premese. We want to thank our parents and guardians and all the people of good will who have made Premese Schools and Colleges their schools of choice to mentor and educate their children. Our success has a lot to do with your moral support and encouragement both to our staff as well as to our Directors. Thank you.
We want to assure our parents and guardians that we will continue to do everything within our powers and ability to live up to the trust you have bestowed upon us. It is a challenge to grow your child to the global academic standards, which challenge we are prepared to undertake. We believe we are equal to the task. It is also a noble responsibility to mould and educate your child in the pattern of godly values. Thus “Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” Prov. 22:6. Our pupils, for instance, are driven to various churches for Sunday services.
Molding our children is such a huge responsibility that it cannot be left to the teachers alone. We do hereby appeal to you to maintain your role at home in instilling discipline and moral sensibility in your child. Don’t leave it all to us in our schools. We strongly believe that best education that lacks moral values leads to the production of social misfits. Obviously we wouldn’t want our children to belong to that group. We create time to instill appropriate values in our children besides the academics.
We also appeal to your support when searching for the best secondary schools for our children who perform exemplary well in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE). We see our role as in the school as growing talents within your child as we equip him/her with best education and skills that propel him/her to attain the best grades possible. You need to take over from there in ensuring he/she joins reasonably good school commensurate with his/her grades. For instance he/she will need your guidance in selecting secondary schools wisely by choosing schools within her levels of competence.
Prof. and Dr. Francis and Ruth Mulwa
May God hear our daily prayers and petitions on behalf of our children and protect them to grow to become Responsible, God Fearing Citizens and Leaders in our society.

Our School Motto.
The Vision of Premese Schools & Colleges.
To become nationally competitive centers of academic excellence, which churn out intellectually competent, physically fit, emotionally balanced, socially integrated, and spiritually seasoned students.
Mission of Premese Schools & Colleges.
To impart holistic education to our students that nurtures talents and instills moral values of integrity, founded on the conviction that: “Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).
Our Values.
Service to God through His people; Professional Integrity; Team Work; Solidarity for Justice; Gender Equity; Self-Support; Unity in Diversity; and Interdepedence in Autonomy.