Premese ECD KNEC/Montessori Teachers Training College

The KNEC Diploma ECD Teachers Courses comprise of Three Weeks of School-Based Training Seminars which take place during school holiday months.
To start the courses, you would be required to register right away with Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) examination. We promote both Montessori and CBC Pedagogies (Methods) of Teaching.
After such examination, one would qualify for Teachers Service Commission (TSC) number which would give you license to expand the scope of job opportunities in both Public (government) and Private schools.
The Montessori Teacher’s Training course comprises of one-year course (class) work and six months to one-year field attachment. Most students are retained and hired as regular teachers in their host schools of attachment depending on their performance and the impact they make during their time of attachment.
Montessori Teachers Course is suitable for both those who have completed KNEC as well as for beginners who want to create a strong career foundation in Early Childhood Pedagogy (Teaching) before proceeding to do KNEC. The one unique experience with Montessori method is its popularity in private schools, and more so in urban based elite schools. Our students are interviewed and given appointments by private schools even before they clear from our college. It is when they go for attachment that most host schools retain and hire them.
Yes, it is that popular and on high demand. The reason is that ECD Montessori pedagogy is highly child friendly, creative and innovative which seeks to identify and nurture child’s natural talents and giftedness. Both KNEC and Montessori training are aligned to the new Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). We have Premese ECD graduates working in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Botswana, Gambia and Sudan among other countries. Others are working and or studying overseas and particularly in USA and Canada.
During the training, each student is responsible for his / her own living / accommodation arrangements, fares, pocket money, medical expenses etc. both during the course work as well as during the field attachment. However, PREMESE management provides guidance to those who are new in Nairobi and are looking for affordable hostels or accommodation at easy reach to the college without transport cost. Hostels range from Ksh.6,000/= to Kshs.9,000/= per month. This covers full board and accommodation (food, water, electricity, and security). FOR FEES STRUCTURE CALL 0700 520 458 OR 0714 371 660